Boiters MES Boxcom

Anglais Production Management : Industry 4.0

M.E.S. Manufacturing Execution System

New production data processing system.

Real-time counting of production

OF management (part name, material, cycle time)

Calculation of synthetic rates of return (Data historization, open database operation)

Overall state of the production fleet (History of machine downtime and causes of breakdowns)

Opt for a clear vision of your production. All in one on an ergonomic touch screen !


Project supported by Interreg 2014 – 2020

The INTEROP project is supported by the European cross-border cooperation program Interreg France-Switzerland 2014-2020 and as such benefits from financial support from FEDER, BPI as well as from the Swiss Confederation and the cantons of Bern, Jura and Neuchâtel.