Bandeau 40 Ans avec photos Anglais

Vermot Automation, based in Valdahon (Franche-Comté), has specialised in the automation and digitisation of cam-type bar turning machines since 1984. These 40 years of experience and knowledge have enabled us to develop a range that can be customised and upgraded to meet your needs.

Thanks to our products, you can improve the performance of your machinery by combining the modernisation of your cam-type bar-turning machines with the digitalisation of your production. Our expertise is at your service for your various projects, and will guarantee the ongoing monitoring of your production.

A high-performance, specialised team is at your service.

Our services

Our products

Motion Range

Your bar turning equipment is a mechanical jewel. Give them even more value by adding intelligence and movement (innovative motorisations).


Renovation and Improvement Range

In order to simplify and improve the use of cam-type turning machines, we are developing the motorisation of equipment (drills, tappers, polygons, etc.).


Industry 4.0 Range

All in one ergonomic touch screen! MES (Manufacturing Execution System), the new production data processing system. Digitalisation of your production assets for real-time monitoring.

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